European travel guide - Europe Here I come
Last time I wrote we were on our way to the Yazoo concert in Glasgow. Well what a performance!The supporting act was this bizarre man in his 60's still trying to groove his way around. Think of Billy (Bill Nigh) in the movie Love actually - the singer who is definitely past his prime! It was absolutely torturous - nd about 20 minutes into we were horrified to realise that out of the three guitars onstage he had only used one - sheit 2 more to go! AND he played the harmonica at the same time!!! It was so hideous it was funny! Tania and I could not stop laughing (after our brief nap that is). We thought it was never going to end and I've never seen so many people asleep at a concert!!! The rest of th econceret was fab - Allison Moyet's voice is incredible.
After the concert Tania and I went home via the pub where we had a wee drink with our mate Robbie. We also stopped and had a bit of a lark with Rob in one of thee town squares. Robbie was little bit partial to oe of the lion statues there,

Thursday was the first day Tan and i slept past 4:45am ( a little joke as every single day we wake up at htiss time for some reason). We packed for the trrip to Athens and then discoverd that they had overbooked our room and we were to have th penthouse suite for the day wooohoo!!!!!!
It was a fabulous 2 story apartment with 3 bedrooms, a bathroom and a sauna, HUGE ensuite with a ginormous bath so long I couldn't reach the end of it!! Two living areeas and a fab kitchen - it was a palace compared to the broom closet we had been living in.
I had a lovely relaxing bath and enjoyed the lat of our day in Glasgow before heading to the airport.
The flight to Athens was uneventful other than on both flights we were lucky enough to have the same meal twice - yuk both times.
We landed in Athens at 3am and caught a taxi which was interesting - he drove the 50km to our hotel at 160km/hr which was quite scary at times but saved us money o our fare getting to our hotel in half an hour rather than an hour.
Our room is fab with a huge bathroom. We slept until 10am and got up to go for a walk to the Acropolis. We headed in the general direction without knowing where we were really going. The streets were jam packed of people and bikes and cars driving wherever they could. we crossed the road at one point and soon discovered that red lights mean nothing and maybe even serve as an incentive to drive through the pedestrian crossing and then stop in the middle of it!! There were dogs and cats roaming the streets stopping at cafes whenever they pleased and no one cares.
It was quite warm - about 26 degrees and we both got a little bit sunburnt but after the doom and gloom of the weather in the UK it felt absolutely glorious to be in the warmth.
We walked though many shops and food stalls as we wound our way up the hill. There is absolutely no signage whatsoever to point us in the right direction and it is purely by chance that we end up finding the right pathway up to the entrance gate where we paid our 12 euros and we walked in.
It was absolutely awesome - you cannot begin to fathom how the heck they managed to build something so amazing at that period of time. There was lots of restoration going on which kind of spoils the view but is necessary to preserve whats left.
We attracted a LOT of attention from the greek men - lots of wolf whistles and men coming up to talk to us but since we had no idea what they were saying we kept walking LOL
There is a lot of fantastic shops which we managed to resist other than buying a gorgeous blue dress that I wore to dinner tonight.
We went to the rooftop bar for a drink which cost 12 euros each!!!!!!!! But they were strong - very strong! We were quite tiddly after just one!We ate dinner on the rooftop next to the pool watching the sun set over the Acropolis and then watching it light up which was spectacular.
All in all a fantastic day! We leave bright and early for the ferry to Mykonos. I am very excited and really looking forward to the Greek Islands - but are the Greek Islands ready for us?!?
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